Based in the UK, we provide quality and professional miniature painting services.
From singular centrepieces, to army projects. Get in touch to receive a free quote and allow us to bring your minis to life.
What’s on Offer?
Level 1 - The first level is perfect for the tournament player. Providing solid base colours, with light shading and a very slight highlight as shown on these Necron Warriors and Wraithguard.
If you’re wanting a quick turn around for an up coming event, this could be for you.
Level 2 - This standard is perfect for those special units in the army.
At level 2 there is more attention to contrast of shadow. Primarily using airbrush techniques and zenithal highlights, this provides a stand out unit or centrepiece, shown very well in Durthu and his Kurnoth Hunters from Age of Sigmar.
Level 3 - This is where things get really exciting.
The standard on show is the highest offered, with standards ever improving as the team grows and becomes more experienced.
If you’ve got a special character that really needs that extra attention or a bust that you want to display, this is the level for you.
Check out some worthy models for this level with Angron, Allarielle the Everqueen and a little Loonboss, from the Warhammer range.